Message Templates

If your property uses the Message Manager, message templates allow you to preset message content for email-based notifications. These link to the Stationary options presented in the message manager.

To begin, access the GM Functions menu then beneath the Security and Permissions folder, click Message Templates.

Use the New button at the top of the menu to add a blank row for setup. Otherwise, choose an existing template and edit the desired data. Click Save when finished modifying the template before moving on to the next item.



Message Type

This is used to sort and organize your templates. This column does not control anything on any other menu in Chorum, and is purely used to designate the template's intended use.

Message Template Name

Provide a short name for the template in question. The template's name can match the message type if desired, or if you have multiple templates for the same type of message you can give each one a unique name to make it easier to identify which template is which.

Message Template

This column stores the message's content, which can be adjusted below in the Message Text field. The message is formatted for compatibility with HTML email clients, and provides a few common content controls like font, size, and text styles.

Advanced users can also input HTML tags within the message's body to define form-fillable variables, like a guest's name or the hotel's address. When the Message Manager sends a message using this template, it will automatically replace the tags with the appropriate value. For a list of compatible HTML tags and example templates using this feature, see the sub-topics below.